Life on Life – LoL Mentorship Experience

The goal of this mentoring program is to help young people build physical endurance, emotional and psychological stability, and spiritual aptitude. The program also seeks to provide career guidance and create self-sustaining opportunities, enhance life skills development, inculcate family values, act as a catalyst for career apprenticeship, offer professionals attachment opportunities across the globe, and provide scholarship opportunities for deserving needy learners.
Community Empowerment Project
A courtesy visit to Wetnachee Valley College-Washington State hosted by Coach Rachel Goetz in the company of Dr. Mary Machira and Rev. Ken (Founder and President of Preserving Human Dignity Ministries Africa). Our Founder President (Rev. Ken Aringo) had the honor to walk in the steps of Rachel Odima (our departed Basketball champion and inspiration behind ROBB-C Life on Life Sports Mentorship Project).
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